Sustainability : Our Pledge

Ahimsa - Compassion for All
We were both (Sid and Krupa) born in the land of Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi lived and died by his principle of Ahimsa. We decided to embrace this principle in our life and our restaurant. We are fully committed to providing a cruelty-free and compassionate meal to our guests.

No Animal Products Used in the Kitchen.
We love all animals. We believe all animals have the same rights to live on this planet as we humans do. We are committed to keeping any and all animal products out of our kitchen. We do not use any meat, eggs, milk, or honey in our kitchen. So whether you are vegan, vegetarian or allergic to animal products you are welcome to enjoy a cruelty-free meal at our restaurant.

100% Compost Rate (We compost 100% of the Organic waste)
On average half a pound of food is wasted with every meal that is served to the customer. This wastage is in form of the raw food scraps and wastage before its cooked and then leftovers on the customer's plates. We divert all our food scraps from the Kitchen and wastage from the customers to the compost bin provided by Total Organics Recycling.

100% Recycle Rate (We recycle 100% of the items that are recyclable)
As a restaurant, we bring in cases and boxes of products all day long. We separate the recyclables from the non-recyclables. We deposit all the cardboard, paper, glass, and metal into single-stream recycling container. We also ask our customers to deposit the bottles, cans, and any other recyclable material in the containers provided.

100% LED Lights (Kitchen and Dining Area)
In order to make efficient use of the energy, we installed LED lights everywhere in the restaurant. Our dining area is illuminated with canned LED lights. Our kitchen area is lighted by LED tube lights. We also have installed timed lights in restrooms and storage areas so as to minimize the usage.

No Styrofoam Containers or Plastic Carry bags
Styrofoam is Bad. Period. Styrofoam is found as trash in every part of the world. Over 30% of all landfills are full of styrofoam. Styrofoam takes over 500 years to decompose and it releases harmful chemicals in the process into its environment. During the manufacture of styrofoam, over 50 chemicals are released into the environment; many of them carcinogens. If you see a restaurant or store using Styrofoam; please make them aware of the adverse effects of this hazardous material.

No Single-Use Plastic (Throw Away Spoons/Forks)
Single use plastic is equally bad if not more than Styrofoam. In the time of COVID-19 majority of restaurants saw a major uptick in take-out orders. This meant more use of single-use plastic by the entire restaurant industry. These millions of plastic spoons and forks are disposed off in the trash sometimes after just a bite. These will stay in the environment for centuries to come. Although more expensive, we made a switch to bamboo-based cutlery when we started the business. We only use plant based spoons and forks as a take away cutlery. Our customers and our planet is a little bit happier.

100% Bio-Degradable Straws
Plastic straws are harmful to the environment and to the animals that eat them thinking it is food. Similar to single-use spoons and forks, plastic spoons end up in landfill and oceans after a quick sip. We ask the customers if they need a straw instead of handling one with every drink. We only use paper or plant-based fully bio-degradable straws with our drinks and milkshakes. They cost more but are worth it.

100% Compostable To-go Cups
We serve our chai lattes and milkshakes in plant-based compostable cups. We request customers to deposit the cups in the compost container to keep them out of landfill. These cups usually bio-degrade in a commercial facility in about 90 days.

Fully Compostable To-Go Boxes and Bags
Have you ever noticed how much trash is generated after you order take out from a restaurant? All those wrappers, plastic containers, styrofoam cups, plastic straws, single use spoons and forks end up in landfill to pollute the environment for centuries. When you order takeout from BFJ, we neatly tuck all the food inside our compostable paper containers. All the containers are packed in a paper bag which can be reused or recycled. You can feel a little better about ordering takeout.
All the Tables in the Dining area are Reclaimed and Refinished by the Owners.
Have you noticed our table tops? They are stunning!!! When we moved from our old location to new, unlike other restaurants we decided to give new life to all our old tables. We covered each old table with acrylic resin and gave vibrant colors. The resin not only gave the tables a new life, it also provided an easy to clean and long-lasting surface finish.

Wall Behind the order counter is entirely made of Reclaimed Pallet Wood.
Have you noticed the wall behind the ordering counter? The myriad of colors provides a great backdrop to our lord Ganesha. Each panel was hand painted and sanded down to give its unique rustic look. The wall is entirely made with reclaimed pallet wood.

Green wall panels are made from Reclaimed laminate floors.
The green horizontal panels that cover the two walls is entirely hand made. We picked a load of reclaimed laminate wood from REFAB in Towergrove. If you are ever looking for reclaimed furniture or lumber, do give them a visit. Our panels came from a school gym that was getting new flooring. We hand cut, sanded and painted each panel and put it together with complimenting green colors.

Reuse-Recycle-Reduce wherever possible
We encourage all our employees and guests to reduce-reuse and recycle whenever possible. We reuse old sauce and spice containers for storing dry goods. We are always on the lookout to reduce our resource usage albeit by Just in time ordering or buying refurbished appliances. We also have a comprehensive recycling plan where we teach each employee the importance of recycling. We also guide our guests to deposit the bottles, cans, and cups in the appropriate bins for recycling.